Rehearsing improvisation

Rehearsing improvisation

By rehearsing improvisation I am exploring new sonic and structural possibilities as well as formal ideas, thereby gradually building a repertoar – a vocabulary if you will – for improvising with this material and setup.
Some clips to illustrate different sounds and development below (instrumentation limited to speech/synth/piano).

One of the most interesting things I experience is how different expectations to form is from speech to music. When sound is presented as music, there is a very strong need for it to be coherent and very little tolerance for idle chatter with no direction, while we of course demand no such thing from everyday speech. I guess speech presented as a public address have more similarities, and poetry even more, but in order to use the more varied expression of everyday conversations as source I find myself occupied with ways to create something that also becomes interesting as musical forms. A musical syntax of sorts can be created by repeating, varying and contrasting some basic material. While repetition is sometimes used as dramatic devices in speech, the formal development usually happens on the level of ideas. This is perhaps one of the differences in the ways we listen to music as opposed to speech – the focus on content shifts from structured thought-ideas to structured musical ideas. It is still interesting to see if it is possible to use the incredibly rich musical expression on the micro level of speech to create something that makes musical sense as well.